The holiday season is in progress. Perhaps it means more time for you to devote to yourself. If you like to sit back and read in such moments, today I would like to invite you to a review of the book “First Lady of America. Real stories of presidential wives”, where I will tell you something about this book.
Why exactly this book? For a long time I was wondering what to choose. Most recently, I have read books about the history of our country (a topic quite difficult for holidays) and about the action of the body (digestive system, hormones – topics very interesting, but probably not for holidays). So the biography book of the first ladies of America was written.
America’s first ladies are the 10 different women who have joined together in one story, each of whom was a kind of support for her husband while she was President of the United States of America. The picture of these women is presented as a whole, i.e. the author focuses on how the first ladies behaved in particular situations, as well as how they referred to their successors. It was not always a good relationship. The book will show you how one of the first ladies deliberately made it more difficult for her successor, who had been weakened after the birth, to take a guided tour around the White House, but also how the other first ladies supported each other in difficult moments.
The wives of the president, as life companions of the head of state, are presented as people who aroused considerable sympathy among the people. It is hard not to agree that a large part of the successes of their husbands are due to these women. Some have been active in representing their partners, but the support of others has been equally strong, albeit less visible to the naked eye.
The first Lady of America is also a book in which the author tries to present the approach of women to privacy and family. Women, while their husbands were beginning to act as heads of state, automatically became recognizable. In this book we will read about various efforts to maintain “normality” during our stay in the White House. He shows how difficult it was sometimes for them to stand “on a candlestick”. – being unable to go for a walk with children or shopping in a supermarket without attracting the attention of reporters.
At first the book seemed a bit chaotic to me, but with time I got involved in it to such an extent that I didn’t even notice that it was coming to an end. For a person like me, who has not been interested in the life of the first ladies so far, there is a lot of knowledge about the life of presidential families in the USA, as well as supplementing the knowledge about the history of the country.
As a curiosity, reading the book coincided with watching the series “The Crown”, so I could better understand Queen Elizabeth’s meeting with Jacqueline Kennedy.
The entry was created as part of the social campaign promoting reading #wakacjezką book, organized by SAVE THE MAGIC MOMENTS and the Book Club “PRZECZYTAJ & PODAJ DALEJ”.