What is it about, how the name and description shows us make money by displaying ads, after displaying it we click confirm the reading and our account (in the program) receives money.
You can make physical withdrawals to your own account after exceeding the threshold of 200 PLN I am already going for the second time, but it would only be a click 😉 it is better to go out when you invite your friends to the program.
Friends click on every advertisement to get money and we also get additional money to their affiliate account.
Program after logging in
By clicking on the tab on the right (invite friends)
enter their meil addresses in the field, preferably notify them before doing so,
for this reason they would also earn themselves, but also that ermail messages can be as spam and therefore they would find them 😉
As you can see above my username, if someone wants to invite me, but I should more invite you because I am already in the program, but if you write something we will click 😉
I clicked on those 94zł from 3 weeks and not always without the help of my friends or acquaintances.
I think it is worth taking advantage of, but treating it more as an achievement, etc.
Another programme is ( / /
He only meets it, but he looks promising, you can watch ads or do various things on the Internet, and after each action we click confirm and get money to the account in the program and it’s bigger as in ermail.
The total hardcore when it comes to the amount of cash that can be earned is the so-called gaining fans for social networking sites and activity on them (i.e. someone pays you for adding comments, pipes) e.g. for a week, etc. but usually sells activities for 30 days 😉 of course, there are automatic programs where we prepare thematic fasts for 30 days, download links to make them spin and we can go for coffee or from girl to girl to cinema ;-D
Yes, and I started by clicking, after the nights I sat! 😉
The most popular program for this purpose is Like Plus ( /
it can be used to gain fans on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
and here I’ll say from the experience of the latter, we can earn very good money, provided that we issue auctions of ebay and add some advertisements on the advertising portals 😉
The last option is to run a blog (it must be cool) or not to display it, but usually as it is cool it is to install adsense ads (preferably one) there to allow it to be read and not to irritate readers etc 😉 and you can also shoot or create videos on Youtube
the key is a very good video (quality etc.) and a good title and probably the most important one somewhere in the middle about tagging the video 😉
and I’ll say everything goes in the right direction and develops it well using all the possibilities that I’ve described it here, you can safely earn about PLN 2000/3000, then it’s best to start a company and act yourself 😉 but as long as you don’t have money on your American account or on the Flaring, earn calmly so much! 🙂
Probably a lot of people will not agree with me… yes, in some situations you have to be lucky and be looking for a job I started to take things into my own hands and not wait until I overgrow or listen to proposals from the job center (work for 4.90 PLN) so my of course give and others on another topic………………………………………………….
and the last sentence is it worth earning money on the Internet? Clearly, it is only worth to get a good idea, I think that now it will be easier for you because honestly earned and not wait until someone gives you something, how not to earn for living it. and yet another NEVER! do not agree or even be interested in remote work is MAIN! But it’s a different topic (unless it’s someone you know, a person from your city, or just a person by order).
For nice………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
As the title says, today I would like to give you a few curiosities about earning money on the Internet.so from the very beginning how it started, etcIt was still working, and even though I was mainly engaged in occasional photography (Weddings, etc.), how everyone wanted to earn despite my employment I also had very nice money.At the moment, being almost 2 years without a permanent job, I decided to deepen what I did, the first thing I discovered and confirm is Great’ eRMAIL (