Via ferrata can bring a lot of fun unexpectedly. You don’t have to take a lot of equipment with you, you don’t have to take a rope with you, so you move forward all the time and admire the beauty of the surrounding area. Via ferrata sweeps!
It is only small but… you need to be well prepared for via ferrat! How to do it with your head? We talked about it for the next live. We have discussed the following topics:
Planning and selection of the route according to the possibilities – that is, how to choose the ferrata? How do I read the diagrams and descriptions of the ferrata? What do I need to know when choosing via ferrata?
Basic principles of navigation via ferrata
Threats on via ferrata, i.e. lack of imagination, measurement of power of intent and human factor
Additional equipment via ferrata – what else must you take with you via ferrata in addition to the equipment?
Planning a trip to via ferrata
Overcoming via ferrata is associated with risks. Insufficient preparation, use of faulty equipment or improper behaviour can lead to accidents!
We recommend that ferrata lovers take part in courses led by qualified instructors.
Via ferrata are different. The shortest takes several minutes and the longest several hours. Some ferrata can be dressed by the car, and some will be approached for a few hours. Ferrata can be located at a lower altitude and others at more than 2000 m above sea level. It’s like comparing rock climbing with mountain climbing – planning and preparation is completely different.
Via ferrtay “on the light”, sporty, that is, those that have short approaches and returns (max. 30 minutes) and the time of their passage takes up to 2 hours and are located in the rocky terrain.
How do I read the diagrams and descriptions of the ferrata? What do I need to know when choosing via ferrata?
Principles of navigation via ferrata
Dress the helmet immediately after approaching the wall (especially when approaching the traverse along the wall), only then take care of the preparation and clothing.
Affiliate check: ALWAYS everyone checks their partner and themselves before entering the ferrata.
There may be only one person on one section between the anchors (the section between the adjacent anchoring points).
In the vertical sections, between climbers, it is safest to keep a distance of 2 sections.
Remember to insert the carbines correctly and make sure that the locks are closed.
Do not cross two carabiners at the same time.
Be as careful as possible if you miss out on other tourists
Move carefully so as not to knock down stones. When you knock down a stone, warn others by calling “Stone! (in German “Achtung Stein!”, in Italian “Sasso!”). When you hear a warning, do not look up, just cuddle up to the wall and wait until the danger has passed.
Dangers via ferrata
The level and condition of participants is not adjusted to the difficulties.
overestimating one’s own strengths and abilities.
Use of old equipment without certification.
Inability to use the equipment.
People enter the same sections or hang on one section of rope between the anchors.
Overtaking without warning.
Pull out both carabiners from the safety line.
Understating weather hazards (storm, heat and southern exhibition disqualify the exit to the ferrata).
Brittle terrain and falling stones, falling snow, risk of slipping.
An abyssal, climbing, uninsured terrain.
Poor quality of collateral.
Live cycle via ferrata
The article is a summary of our LIVE Via ferrata series, which we organize with our Academy of Climbing. You can read more about the difficulty scales and a summary of the difficulty scales via ferrat in pdf format in the free downloadable guide. To receive the guide and other FREE materials, subscribe to our newsletter by clicking on this link: CLICK.
During the next live meetings we will discuss issues related to the equipment on via ferrata, trip planning and threats, as well as authoring. More information can be found here.
If you want to join an event, please sign up HERE. You will receive a set of additional materials and access to free manuals.
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Read the following articles from the via ferrata series:
Via Ferrata – tourism or climbing? How to prepare for via ferrata.
What is via ferrata? Difficulties on via ferrata.
Scale via ferrata and difficulties via ferrata.
What equipment is needed for via fertay?
Descriptions via ferrat
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