Dreams – how to invest? 25.04.2018 Ordinary Cellar
Are you wondering how to find the money to fulfill your dreams? Sign up for an e-locate at the Environmental Protection Bank and you’ll see that it’s the best investment. A deposit can be made online, so you don’t even have to leave home to start saving on your dreams. The solution proposed by Bank Ochrony Środowiska is a convenient way to raise funds for the realization of your dreams and plans. The minimum deposit is only USD 1,000 and the promotional interest rate is even 2.80% per annum. This is a proposal that is difficult to pass by indifferently!
Investing in the future
Do you want to protect yourself and your family? Bank Ochrony Środowiska has a special offer for you. E-Lock-on Plus is an ideal way to invest surplus savings and to put money aside for future expenses. Money is safe and profitable, and that is what saving is all about. The deposit is intended for new customers of Bank Ochrony Środowiska, i.e. persons who have never owned any banking products in the deposit. The funds are secured by the Bank Guarantee Fund and the deposit term is 3 months, after which they may be renewed for another period of time. The application can be submitted on the bank’s website by clicking the “Create a deposit via the Internet” button.
The Bank’s potential
Bank Ochrony Środowiska is distinguished by its ecological potential and its actions are traceable in social media. It enables efficient financial management with the help of proven tools. The means can be accessed via electronic and mobile devices, which is very important in today’s busy times. Moreover, the bank offers a wide range of financial products designed for the most demanding clients. The Bank offers deposits of various types, including deposits where interest rates can be negotiated. Bank Ochrony Środowiska is also an opportunity to finance the purchase of real estate or improve financial liquidity.